Situational Consequences

See and Think Differently Situational consequences that challenge OUR need for acceptance, self worth and even identity are created when others can’t or don’t see our strengths and talents and arise when our foibles and weaknesses are consistently and critically pointed out. Certainly, when we pursue others that don’t see us, we are caught in […]

Cedrick Hardman on BioSync

A Game Changer for Me! Let me start by saying Mark is my friend, mentor and inspiration for living an active, healthy, pain free life — those three words take on “holy” significance when you factor in a 13 year pro football career with speed hits, injuries and surgeries that when you’re younger are simply […]

Health and Healing through Harmony and Balance

The Answer to Illness is Wellness Health and healing is about harmony and balance and I believe the BioSync precepts, philosophy and protocols for integral healing are an important and necessary health care option. Why? Because the answer to illness is wellness and because we are biological beings subjected to trauma which is anchored into […]

Creating Your Compelling Wish List

Knowing | Intending | Feeling | Creating I am a big believer in taking hand to paper and spelling out a WISH LIST. By doing so, we create a compelling vision that motivates us from the inside. That being said, it is essential to KNOW what you desire. Imagining will create a new model; writing […]

Realistic Goal Setting Strategies

Goals vs Expectations How many times have these and other similar thoughts crossed our minds? Unfortunately, more than we consciously realize. “I am so disappointed in you” “I am really disappointed in your attitude” “I am extremely disappointed in your behavior” In actuality, disappointment requires adequate planning! Clearly, there is a big difference between Goals […]

Comfort Zones vs Creative Zones

Creating Your Compelling Vision Have you ever returned to a familiar comfort zone or continued to meet needs in a way that you knew intellectually were really quite tragic? Have you ever tried to make changes for yourself and over time found yourself right back at the very same place you started from? Unfortunately, there […]

An Integral Approach to Healing

Integration Equals Greater Gestalt BioSync’s integral approach to wellness is based on the assumption that the human body is a walking and talking repository of a person’s life, containing “recordings” of events which are experienced pre-birth and onward. These recordings include memories of trauma, resulting from either physical, emotional, or psychological insult or injury. Sources […]

Frozen in Time

The Little Samurai I received a call from a young Italian father named Giovanni. He told me his seven year old son, Sanili, had drowned in a swimming pool five and a half years ago; and, with intense intervention and efforts to resuscitate him, he was medically brought back to life…almost. Having two sons of […]