Healthy, Happy, Productive Habits

Adopting the top habits of healthy, happy and productive people will affect your biochemistry. There is no question when you’re healthy, you’re happy. And when you’re happy it’s easy to be productive. These seven positive changes nurture health, foster happiness and promote productivity. Try one. Try them all. They work. Science says so according to Jeff […]

30 Minutes of Exercise

The Key to a Happier, Healthier You Regardless of age or fitness level – from mall-walkers to marathoners – exercise keeps the heart healthy, boosts energy levels, and is crucial for weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. Regular exercise is the key to a happier, healthier you just 30 minutes a day, 5 days […]

Infinite Potential: The Earth Journey

Wake Up and Remember Each of us is an extraordinary and miraculous living entity with infinite potential. It has always been this way. Our core essence is a divine spark of universal love that animates us and illumines our consciousness with insight and awareness of ourselves and our surroundings. These fundamental underlying aspects are innate […]

A New Beginning: Manifesting your Future

If Not You, Then No One by Beth Nicoletto @mrsnicoletto A new beginning, a fresh start, a clean slate. For most, the anticipation of progress, results, and endless possibilities are alluring. For others, the New Year can appear daunting, painful, even disinteresting. But whether you’re ready for it or not, the New Year is upon […]

Shifting Paradigms

Throwing Open the Doors of Perception The gift of choice lies in the freedom to change at any moment our beliefs and behaviors. The gap between stimulus and response is potential — it’s where choice is made. It’s been estimated that we are using much less than 10% of potential; so, we have a great […]

Health and Healing through Harmony and Balance

The Answer to Illness is Wellness Health and healing is about harmony and balance and I believe the BioSync precepts, philosophy and protocols for integral healing are an important and necessary health care option. Why? Because the answer to illness is wellness and because we are biological beings subjected to trauma which is anchored into […]

Creating Your Compelling Wish List

Knowing | Intending | Feeling | Creating I am a big believer in taking hand to paper and spelling out a WISH LIST. By doing so, we create a compelling vision that motivates us from the inside. That being said, it is essential to KNOW what you desire. Imagining will create a new model; writing […]

Comfort Zones vs Creative Zones

Creating Your Compelling Vision Have you ever returned to a familiar comfort zone or continued to meet needs in a way that you knew intellectually were really quite tragic? Have you ever tried to make changes for yourself and over time found yourself right back at the very same place you started from? Unfortunately, there […]