Inspiring Thoughts: An Essay of Quotes

I am a synthesizer. Whether it’s putting together a yoga series taught over many months into a single kriya; or developing whole body or focused treatment protocols; to creating a compendium of some of my favorite quotes and quips from an inspiring collection of interesting people whose influential thoughts I’ve woven into the following essay: […]

Trauma Anatomy

  The Holographic Imprint of Injuries and Insults It is believed that the brain receives a holographic imprint of a trauma event and that the simultaneous recording of that event is stored in the body’s tissue. When there is a stimulus that replicates any part of the original trauma event, the brain, functioning as a […]

Eco-Physicists and Human Potential

  What prevents us from accessing our true potential? Eco-physicists estimate that we are using much less than our full potential. Clearly, we have a great playing field available — there are dormant abilities and reserve energies just waiting to be tapped! As health practitioners, it is vitally important to take our awareness into more […]

Aging With Spirit and Imagination

Empowering a Youthful Future as We Age I originally presented this meditation at an Anthony Robbins Life Mastery event guiding 3,000 people in discovering their youthful potential and now you can too! This powerful and simple meditation will clarify your understanding of aging. The awareness will enhance your youthfulness as you embrace the never ending […]

Health and Healing through Harmony and Balance

The Answer to Illness is Wellness Health and healing is about harmony and balance and I believe the BioSync precepts, philosophy and protocols for integral healing are an important and necessary health care option. Why? Because the answer to illness is wellness and because we are biological beings subjected to trauma which is anchored into […]

Creating Your Compelling Wish List

Knowing | Intending | Feeling | Creating I am a big believer in taking hand to paper and spelling out a WISH LIST. By doing so, we create a compelling vision that motivates us from the inside. That being said, it is essential to KNOW what you desire. Imagining will create a new model; writing […]

Comfort Zones vs Creative Zones

Creating Your Compelling Vision Have you ever returned to a familiar comfort zone or continued to meet needs in a way that you knew intellectually were really quite tragic? Have you ever tried to make changes for yourself and over time found yourself right back at the very same place you started from? Unfortunately, there […]

Frozen in Time

The Little Samurai I received a call from a young Italian father named Giovanni. He told me his seven year old son, Sanili, had drowned in a swimming pool five and a half years ago; and, with intense intervention and efforts to resuscitate him, he was medically brought back to life…almost. Having two sons of […]