The Biological Benefits of Drumming

Try Drumming for Better Health  by Linda Buch Photo by Martha Riley Binford Q: I recently saw a wonderful movie, “The Visitor,” where the main character is changed emotionally by getting into drumming. I have heard about “drum circles” and how healing they can be. Any information on this would be appreciated. — J.G., Denver, […]

Proactive and Preventative Care

Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviors Affect Ability to Heal Do you have a high stress or physically challenging job? Do you have a sleepless baby, an asthmatic child, a troubled teenager, an anxious spouse, a troubled relationship, a demanding boss, or elderly parents? At a certain stage in our lives we all begin to question how destructive […]

Insults and Injuries

The Effects of Memories on the Body Everything that has ever occurred since the beginning of time is NOW is a recorded memory. There’s no doubt that every insult and injury — and memories of such — uniquely and collectively affect us. And, since most of us don’t suffer from amnesia, we need to strive […]

Historical Trauma Patterns

Storing and Stacking Life Experiences We are not our traumas yet most people live their entire lives through insult and injury – through the filter of physical and emotional wounds – which, when left untreated, creates a continuing loop of dysfunction. It is my belief that everyone on the planet carries with them the psycho-emotional-spiritual […]

The Handcuffing of Soft Tissue

BioSync® provides a way to break up collagen cross-linking and restore natural length and flexibility in the tissue. The result is a complete approach to healing. As collagen binds to injured tissues to protect the muscles from further damage it inhibits the body’s unlinking enzymes from performing their function of restoration and healing creating an […]

The Extraordinary Alternative

I believe BioSync® is an important and necessary health care option. The intent is to address the effects of stored physical and emotional traumas while the focus is on self awareness, stress reduction, pain relief and rehabilitation using the transformational effect of therapeutic touch. The goals are to address pain and distress, improve flexibility, give […]

Indispensable Pain Relief

Coaches, athletes, celebrities, artists, diplomats and corporate executives have found BioSync indispensable for pain relief, injury prevention and rehabilitation, and maintaining their competitive edge. BioSync is for everyone, from those who have experienced physical injuries to those who feel the everyday effects of stress, to those who simply wish to experience living life to the […]

Solving External and Internal Challenges

BioSync® is a uniquely powerful method of erasing external and internal challenges and facilitating the integration of the mind, body, and emotions thereby reuniting us with our birthright of spirituality, dignity and grace. EXTERNAL What physical traumas are currently preventing you from leading an active life free from injury and pain? Do you have a […]