Exercise Smart

Your Health and Life and the Quality of Both Depend on It! No matter how well you eat or how much water you drink, no matter how many supplements you take, none of these things will take the place of exercise. You must do some type of exercise every day. For the greatest overall health […]

Basic Structural Alignment

Mountain Pose Tada asana, or Mountain pose, is the oldest and most basic of all yogic asanas. It is the alignment pose, or zero gravity point and should be imprinted and encoded in our body Bio-Computer. Although this pose may seem effortless, it is a powerful asana for improving posture, toning the spinal nerves and […]

Revolutionary Running

5 Finger Shoes and the Mid-Foot Strike by John Wall @johnjwall Recently I’ve been talking with a number of people about my “crazy shoes” and about technique with a number of runners. Ever since I ran the Boston Marathon in 2002 I’ve had trouble with my left knee, a common runners injury called IBS. As […]

Whole Body Stretching

Reawakening the Instinct to Stretch You would think that as we grow older and wiser we would automatically be better at doing what comes naturally ― stretching. Wrong. We need to relearn how to stretch as we once did as babies and young children. If you observe animals, you’ll notice, when they awaken they stretch. […]

Tennis Anyone?

Gravity is the unseen, powerful force that is with us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, holding us on the planet Earth. As we become active on a flat surface, gravity is intensified, and joint and intervertebral spaces are compressed, creating pressure, wear on cartilage, bone lining and surrounding connective tissue. Tennis is […]

The Tao of Surfing

Chi energy, a Taoist tradition which dates back five thousand years to the Tang Dynasty in China, presents a potent opportunity to execute greater skill and mastery in absolute harmony with the waves. The surfer who learns to utilize Chi gains a performance enhancing ally. There is both art and science to surfing which brings […]

Key to Longevity

Becoming a Conscious Consumer We have been conditioned to eat three square meals a day even though eating by our natural metabolic cycles is the most ideal. The key to longevity is to eat to live not live to eat! Each person has a unique genetic make-up and metabolism and therefore the balance of nutrients […]