The Exquisite Healer: Forgiveness

The most magical power we have is our ability to forgive. It is the exquisite healer in all of us. Forgiveness is the key to releasing any emotional baggage we have continued to carry, our outdated and outmoded perspectives, and any other attachment that keeps us bound to the past. It is the only way […]

The Energy of Unconditional Love

Evolving through Love Unconditional love is a magnificent energy when unleashed and used, yet it is often hidden within the confines of our innermost self. Few have cultivated this enormous power and used it for universal good. Such love when thought, felt and expressed by any person, automatically raises the experience for the whole of […]

Unconditional Love

An Unlimited Way of Being by Harold W. Becker @lovefoundation The most courageous act we can ever undertake is to love ourselves and life unconditionally. Each moment we have the opportunity to accept love and its perfection as our expression. Shedding the limitations of the ages, we can free ourselves to experience life as it […]