Four Sustainable Habits

My daughter wants to work out more, but she has a hard time forming the habit (many of you might be familiar with this problem). From having to get dressed to go to the gym, to actually going to the gym, to the thought of a hard workout … our minds tend to put off […]

Way to Be: Acceptance and Appreciation

The Way to Be by Leo Babauta @zen_habits Last night I received a phone call from a loved one, someone who I love deeply but have struggled with internally because I’ve been worried about his health. I want to help him, because I feel I’m losing him. I want to show him my habit method, […]

Don’t Worry: Be Happy

What if You Didn’t Have to Worry About Yourself? By Leo Babauta @zen_habits Have you ever had people annoy you at work? Or maybe family members whose little habits bothered you? Have you been frustrated by a store clerk or waiter, or maybe another driver? What about frustration with your kid, or spouse? How can […]