Glenn Hall

BioSync Consultant

BioSync Consultant, Glenn Hall

I am a BioSync Consultant in the health and wellness community with offices in Las Vegas, Nevada and Geneva, Switzerland. My mission is to profoundly facilitate change for those who experience persistence bondage from pain and dis-ease through BioSync. My goal is to provide permanent, comprehensive solutions, where the client is able to experience lasting and optimal health through a natural diet and postural structural release.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and have continued to study Anatomy and Cellular Physiology. I am a persistent student of nutrition, fitness, western medicine and bodywork in addition to intensive study in martial arts: Karate, Tai Chi Chaun, Qi Gong and Ba Gua.

When I’m not working, my passions include chasing God, being a Dad, studying the martial arts, hiking, rock climbing, photography, core training, and gardening.

Working Together…

Glenn Hall
Las Vegas, NV


Note: The BioSync® methods are not involved in treatment or diagnosis of disease, nor does it substitute for medical treatment when such attention is needed, desired or required. BioSync consultants and practitioners do not treat, prescribe, or diagnose an illness or any other physical or mental disorder. Nothing said or done by a BioSync consultant or practitioner should be misconstrued to be such. While BioSync protocols may provide relief from physical or emotional symptoms, it is not intended to replace the advice or treatment of a licensed physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist.