What Professionals Say about BioSync

If there’s a theme to today’s top pro’s pre-event preparation it’s this ongoing quest for maximum flexibility. They’re reaching for it in many different ways, from Fanning and Taylor Knox’s daily yoga and surf routines to other, more experimental paths toward optimal looseness. Like BioSync, a form of deep-massage therapy hailed by surfers like Shane Beschen, Knox and Slater. According to Beschen, it turned his life around, and was a key component in him rediscovering his top “CT-level form. Slater’s also a firm believer, saying it bridges the gap between the emotional and physical and leaves you feeling drained and reinvigorated at the same time. “If you get real intense with it,” he claims, “your body would definitely be in the best physical form it’s been in years”. ~ Surfing

Mark is my friend, mentor and inspiration for living an active, healthy, pain free life! Faith, hope, integrity, excellence are all words that describe my experiences with Mark and his work — BioSync®. His skill and mastery in creating or opening up space to help facilitate the healing process is profound. Mark has helped me to completely understand my pain and he has truly made a “holy” difference in my life!
~ Cedrick Hardman, San Fransisco ’49er and Oakland Raider.

“This was the single most valuable seminar I have ever attended. I was already a successful Structural Integration teacher and this work brought me out of a comfort zone and provided an environment to become even more skilled, more confidant and laser focused with the use of Chi! I couldn’t wait to get back home and work with my clients!”
~ Ryan Higginson
Salt Lake City, Utah

Mark, you are a phenomenal person and teacher. You have a shining soul that beautiful expresses itself in the work that you’ve created and now teach. Thank you!
~ Shelley Martin
Atlantic Beach, New York

Mark teaches both the skills and concepts to confidently work with clients.
~ Erin Nevin
Malibu, California

For me this work was a game changer! Mark has done a brilliant job of creating this powerful work and an equally masterful job of teaching. Thank you for the gift of BioSync® — I got everything from it that I needed to begin a successful practice as a Certified BioSync® Consultant the minute I got home. This work has changed my life personally and professionally and everyday I am filled with gratitude!
~ Gray Richards
Encinitas, California

Mark does more than teach you another technique. He changes your life.
~ Mike Smith
Dana Point, California

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