Cedrick Hardman on BioSync

A Game Changer for Me! Let me start by saying Mark is my friend, mentor and inspiration for living an active, healthy, pain free life — those three words take on “holy” significance when you factor in a 13 year pro football career with speed hits, injuries and surgeries that when you’re younger are simply […]

Revolutionary Running

5 Finger Shoes and the Mid-Foot Strike by John Wall @johnjwall Recently I’ve been talking with a number of people about my “crazy shoes” and about technique with a number of runners. Ever since I ran the Boston Marathon in 2002 I’ve had trouble with my left knee, a common runners injury called IBS. As […]

Insults and Injuries

The Effects of Memories on the Body Everything that has ever occurred since the beginning of time is NOW is a recorded memory. There’s no doubt that every insult and injury — and memories of such — uniquely and collectively affect us. And, since most of us don’t suffer from amnesia, we need to strive […]

Tennis Anyone?

Gravity is the unseen, powerful force that is with us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, holding us on the planet Earth. As we become active on a flat surface, gravity is intensified, and joint and intervertebral spaces are compressed, creating pressure, wear on cartilage, bone lining and surrounding connective tissue. Tennis is […]