Compassion vs Dysfunction

Only the Broken Wave Knows the Ocean by Robert Augustus Masters / @RobertMasters Paralleling and distracting us from our suffering is an abundance of dysfunction in spiritual drag. This includes spiritualized greed (think so-called prosperity consciousness), spiritualized escapism (dissociation masquerading as transcendence), spiritualized narcissism (the you-can-have-it-all deification of me-ness), and other forms of spiritual bypassing […]

Way to Be: Acceptance and Appreciation

The Way to Be by Leo Babauta @zen_habits Last night I received a phone call from a loved one, someone who I love deeply but have struggled with internally because I’ve been worried about his health. I want to help him, because I feel I’m losing him. I want to show him my habit method, […]

Tools for Mindful Living

12 Indispensable Mindful Living Tools By Leo Babauta @zen_habits The focus of my life in recent months has been living mindfully, and while I don’t always remember to do that, I have learned a few things worth sharing. The first is a mindful life is worth the effort. It’s a life where we awaken from […]

Cultivating a Relationship with Yourself

The Path to Self Empowerment It takes courage to leave behind the projections, prognoses and prophecies of other people and blaze your own trail! Cultivating an authentic relationship with yourself requires mindfulness and compassion. Be kind to yourself and your body — releasing negative behavior and thoughts is the healthy first step. Start now by […]

An Integral Approach to Healing: Part 2

Working With The Mind by Robert Augustus Masters / @RobertMasters How many of our thoughts do we actually think? Does not most of our mental activity arise unbidden, seemingly independent of a thought-generating thinker? And, even when we are clearly behind our thoughts — as when we’re deliberately passing judgment on another — are we […]